It’s been a while …

(Not me, but a good depiction of what I’ve been up to.)

Alright, wow, it’s been nearly two months since my last post. I guess things didn’t get off to such a great start—I mean, who abandons their new blog after only three posts? (Hint: this girl.)

In all honesty, I just got into a pattern there where when I wasn’t working, the last thing I wanted to be doing was sitting in front of a computer trying to string some thoughts together. I’ve been very fortunate to be able to work from the safety of my own home for the past year, but sometimes it feels too much like I’m living in my office. I was just really craving time in my home that didn’t require me to think or type or be alert or feel a responsibility to something. I mean, I kept up on the stuff that I had to, but if there was something I didn’t have to do—like write for this blog—and I didn’t feel like doing it, I just didn’t do it. I don’t have any regrets about not keeping up with the blog. I also don’t think I have any regular readers yet, so I doubt anyone even noticed.

So, what was I up to all that time? LOL, I wish I could say that I picked up some new pursuit or talent, like cooking, drawing, origami, something, but in all honesty, I was just being really lazy. I spent way too much time on my phone than I should—Words with Friends, scrolling through Instagram, watching whatever videos the YouTube algorithm decided to throw at me—and binged a few TV series. I didn’t read any books at all (well, I started one but just could not get into it), but am now back on the book train and have a stack of new books I’m looking forward to working my way through. I’ve recently started reading Nala’s World, which is written by Dean Nicholson, whom I follow on Instagram and YouTube (@1bike1world). If you don’t know Dean and Nala’s story, check out the video below from The Dodo. It shows how it all got started. 

In any case, I do have some thoughts for upcoming posts (hopefully I will actually write them), but this feels like a good place to end this one. Have a great day, and if you need to give yourself a break don’t hesitate to not do that thing you feel you need to do, assuming there won’t be any negative consequences by not doing it. Sometimes, something has to give and that is a-OK.


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